Process and Definitions
White Papers & Presentations
Following are just a few of the presentations and papers written over the last 11 years on both the web and the technology interfaces. While some of the information is dated, most provides a rare historical view of what was being thought 1n 1996 through 2000; very early on in Internet philosophy.
Also as part of this area are instructional blueprints that will become the basis for future seminars and classes. For instance, we are developing a course for both Baisc and Intermediate Macromedia DreamWeaver that will both be multiple-day, "hands-on" instructional courses. From what we have seen, these will be the first in DreamWeaver in an actual lab environement; not a sales pitch.
Each of these presentations had its own "theme", showing a diversity of designs customized to the topic.
:: White Papers (Slide Show and/or PDF Format) | |
"Managing Your Site With Dreamweaver" A targeted expose on the most critical elements in site mainenance for enterprise-wide management; library and template creation and maintenance. ~ April, 2001 |
B. Sullivan, Art Director |
A brief overview of the menus, navigation and capabilities of the stongest web authoring tool available on the market today. ~ April, 2001 |
P. Grant, VP Operations |
"Documentation & Training 2001" The schedule, topics and keynote speakers for this international audience of attendees. ~ April, 2001 |
Senior Staff, Grant Communications |
"Tactical Considerations; Building a Web Presence" A brief keynote on establishing a preliminary web presence. ~ May, 2000 |
P. Grant, VP Operations |
An exploration of the subjective side of Art; from an objective viewpoint. GUI, design interfaces and fontography all discussed. ~ February, 2000. |
B. Sullivan, Art Director
"Business Development & the Internet" An historical overview of the background of the Internet, "How The Internet Works, and How It Can Work For You". ~ last- October, 1998... |
P. Grant, VP Operations |